Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jesus and sticky tape!

Samuel who is 6 years old is just getting a handle on the Cross of Christ and is delightfully full of all sorts of great questions. I love children s questions. They offer a tiny window into their thinking and their hearts.

Samuel was practicing a play for us. he was " reading" from a children s bible which had graphic pictures of the cross. He calls to me . I note the urgency in his little voice. " mom, mom, they made Jesus stay on the cross with nails. he had nails hammered into his hands and feet." yes my boy - they did - this mom answers ( wondering where oh where is this all going??????

"Why didn't they use glue or sticky tape mom?"

The Bird has landed and at least it is not a snake

James is 10. He has saved up a whole wack of money over the last year and was very blessed with money for his birthday. So what to buy? well, we thought of all sorts of things Wii ; a wet suit etc etc. Then , we arrived on this fun and good idea. A bird! James has always loved birds and has shown a great interest in them since his was quite small. After Doug did a bit of local research , we arrived at the cockitiel. It is a light yellow male! Very young and very pretty. they seem to live for 20 - 30 years which is quite long in my book. Well here is to some fun times with the bird of choice. i think it is a lovely choice for James to have made and at least it is not a snake which was of course the other choice!!!! I have a " snakey" suspicion that I will have to do the snake thing at some point!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Th Apple Farm

James was invite to a Dads and Lads camp out party for this Sunday night on an apple Farm in Elgin. What a blast!!! They set off with all the camping gear on Sunday after church. Dad and lad in hand.They arrived back on Monday afternoon at 13hoo. James was tired and his eye was all swollen and blood red and fleshy. It had been smothered in mud from the dam in a mud fight. Poor guy!! As each hour marches forward so the eye looks and I guess feels better. He came home full of happy tails of braaing and canoeing and boy fun. He also brought two full bags of apples and pears that he and Doug picked from the farm ( with permission) Yumm!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A time to weep

Today James and Thomas brought home their first term report. I tried to get Thomas to open his for me while we were at the robot but the little monkey refused to let me have it. "No no mom. you must wait till we get home".

As we dragged ourselves in, bags and all, I immediately reached for his report. What an awesome report it was. This little man is doing so well. Concentrating and working on his own. I was one proud mommy. The first weep!!! Of course Thomas thought I was nuts.

Then , I moved on to James report. The first of grade four. Wow! The format had changed. After reading the front blurb which offers all the mark details I turned the page. Weep number 2 for the afternoon. What a great report!! it was what his teacher wrote that made me weep. She described my James to a T!! I am so proud of these two boys!!! Long may they work hard and do their very best!! Thanks Lord!

Hilarious conversations

I have just had the funniest conversation with my 6 year old. It concerned father Christmas. Well, does he exist or doesn't he?" I believe he does mommy" , he said. "I think his elves are busy right now making toys you know. But what do you think mommy? what do you think?"This is the question he repeatedly asked me. My answer was to deflect completely and say - "well, Sam, what do you think?" He was not having it though, this sharp button. No no. mommy but what do YOU think? I was caught!!! "what do I think Samuel , I said - I think children decide if he is real or not!!!" silence - Phew!!! for now he accepted this answer !! what a good laugh! I went on to remind him that Christmas is about the real king..... "yes yes he said I know mommy!!"