Perhaps it is just me but my life seems to be littered with broken dreams. Those dreams we have as children or as young adults of building a life that is happy and full and has a shape and form that looks a certain way and feels a certain way. The house, dog and picket fence idea. Yet as real life collides with these dreams, something of a shattering occurs. Real life seems not to have much regard for the dreams of youth.
Today I had the opportunity to unpack some of those dreams and look at them briefly as one would look at a piece of driftwood. It was a moment of sadness and pain to reflect upon these with a real and deep sense of loss. It is a loss when we have our hopes and dreams shattered and it is good to look at that and acknowledge the loss.
Yet at the same time I hold in the other hand the forging and molding of a new and unexpected life full of rich patterns and deep rivers of joy. You see despite the loss of dreams which disappear like sand between my fingers, in their place God has shaped a new and more precious life. When I look I see His hand and His love and kindness as he has been at work. The potter fashioning the clay and creating a life that reflects his beauty and his dreams. I found myself feeling glad and thankful for out of the ashes of the hard times Jesus has been growing something more beautiful.