Last night I had the extraordinary and rare opportunity to share my life story with a small group of women. 3 to be exact.
We all have a story to tell. The story is our story to tell. it is real and living in the memory of our lives. It lives on through our daily experience as we journey on to the end.
My story, which I have shared on my blog, is complicated and full. Full of all sorts of things that any good story would have to offer. It is not dull to listen to and it is frightening to contemplate.
It is at its heart, the story of God redeeming his daughter and of his precious and perfect kind work in her life.
And so I shared!!
This morning I woke up and thought out loud.... Heck what have I done?
I had shared with three relative strangers, my hectic life story and now what. I felt as if I in that deeply uncomfortable place called vulnerability.
I still feel like that.
It is far safer to be fake !
Or is it?
I think it is where people prefer to live. Life is great and all is well is far easier to cope with than anything real and authentic.
And so today I wrestle with these feelings. I pray in all this that Jesus walked off my life story into the lives of two really special women and that they saw him and not me and all my broken , messy past.
Jesus is my redeemer and saviour and for that I am eternally grateful.
The what if of a life without him is to horrendous to contemplate,
Jesus works with us and in us when we are real with him . My prayer for myself is that my past with count in the present and that as HE makes something good out of the broken, he proves himself real and authentic.