Bring Back our Girls!!!
These tragic words are the cry of many of us who feel and fear for the long term safety of the girls in Nigeria who have been stolen by the militant group Boka Harram.
The shocking reality of these young teen girls is almost to horrific to mention out loud let alone think about it.
And yet, for these and for many, many girls and indeed women around the world, this fear and tragic out come of life is a reality.
femail genital mutilation
Slavery, trafficking abuse and a lack of freedom of choice is real for far to many girls and women living in the 21centry. The plight of these lost stolen girls is heartbreaking as well as perplexing. I wonder how it is "we" the world who search for them can not find them. But, be that as it may, I pray for real and quick solutions to finding them and reuniting them with their families. Families who must be absolutley devistaed with grief and despair. I pray to for the long term healing of all that they are experiencing daily as they remain hidden from the world. I pray too that as we reveal in the shock at a group of men being able to snatch over 200 girls from a school and as yet, not be held accountable, we might step back and consider the many that these girls represent.
Bring back our girls has a far wider reaching cry than simply those in Nigera.
God have mercy on us.