The search for freedom of some kind is something every human being can identify with at some level. Being free from financial debt ; free from a bad relathionship decision; free from addiction of one type or another; free to be educated - healthy - slimmer - richer and the list goes on.
The question is where is true freedom found and what exactly does this freedom look like?
There are a long list of philosphies and ideas that offer freedom of one kind or another and in some way they all work and might offer a measure of freedom.
The freedom I have come to know, love and experience daily is the true and meaningful freedom that comes from being known and by knowing a person.
That person is Jesus Chrsit.
I have just turned 45 years old and I came to meet Jesus when he called me in my early 20's. The reality is that he always had me in his hand was fashioning my life in his perfect care. I just did not know him or see his work.
More than 20 years of this adventure with his has been mind blowing on so many levels. I write this post with renewd excitiment as I share with you my gracious saviour and King.
He is so kind and loving, more than any person could every be despite having been loved deeply and kindly by people.
He is honest and direct, more than any real friend could ever mean to be. He hits the spot in my mind and then my heart every time.
He holds my life tenderly and gives each breath graciously as his daily many gifts to me.
My soul belongs to him.It was bought with the price he paid on the cross. You see, I was the one who really should have died that sinners death. I am after all a sinner. Broken and selfish. But he kindly, deeply, honestly, knowing all things, selflessly, sacrificially went to the cross for me and he went for you too. He opened my eyes to his reality and my life has been an adventure ever since.
So what does this mean for every day living . How is this freedom he bought with his death different from all the freedoms offered.
Because Jesus dies for me and I am forgiven. The verdict over my life is inocent. More than that - I belong to God, I am loved, accepted and not condemmed. The amazing thing about this is the verdict flies like a banner over me without me having done a single thing. I am declared righteous before I have lifted a finger to work or earn or do a single thing. Because I can not do a single thing to save myself.
Every day, when I wake up, I ask God to remind me to live as though I am innocent.
The amazing freedom that comes from this. I am now free to serve, love, give, live and enjoy the life God has given me today. I no longer need to assess my performance to see if I have " made it". I no longer need to stive so that I am accepted and loved by people. I am accepted and loved by the one who accepts and loves me totally. Because to God ( and he is the one who really counts) I have totally " made it" even before I began my day. Even before I succedded or messed up.
This is true and real freedom.
It means I can succeed and do well and that is ok and I can muck up and fail and that is ok too. I can really enjoy the task at hand, no matter how mundane or how spectacular for itself and not for the rewards my performance may or may not bring me.
I am freed up to live a life worthy and without condemnation based not on my performance but thriving under the banner God has declared over me. You are free. This is the best news ever as we live in this performance driven and performance assed world.
This is grace. I get what I do not deserve from the only one whos opinion of me really counts.
As Benjamin Zander says -- I have an A before I begin and this not given by just anyone but given by the King of the Universe.
Thank you Jesus!!