Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Writitng tests?

People like to moan. They seem to enjoy a good grumble. 
Sometimes , of course having an issue with something is legitimate.

This week I have heard my fair share of grumbling.
Even from people whose children are not in this schooling system. Yikes!

It is  exam time after all.
I guess grumbling is part of the exam thing!

People experience exams as negative and stressful because they can be. It is a time of focused or lack there of- concentration on school work.

Our children attend a school where children write exams from grade 4 onwards. The exams are based on the work done during the term and for Maths, English and Afrikaans, the work covered over the year.

While writing tests or exams can be full on, I choose to see them in a different light.

I tutor children and so totally understand the struggles children have and the anxiety parents have when children struggle to concentrate ; focus; remember what they have learnt ; put it all together. 

Here are some positive reasons to write tests and exams.

* information is consolidated 
* studying skills are practiced and refined as the child matures
* children practice different types of questions ( gone are the old regurgitation only kind of questions) children have to think and apply the work
* parents get involved in the learning process ( positively - this can be successful. I have seen parents really help struggling children)
* it is ONE of the ways to assess children
* children who struggle in class assessments , sometimes thrive in test times
* the child can take ownership of his or her learning - understanding where he stands in relation to his peers. I think this is one of the healthiest parts of school. All boasting and thinking my child is the best is shown in a realistic light amongst peers
* if you are in the schooling system, your grade 6 results count for high school- these are important
* practicing writing exams provides opportunities for learning the How To of writing.
* children really step up to the plate and manage an enormous amount of work - a job well done- so the I can gets built. Even in children who struggle
* a good school will support children who struggle with a scribe, reader, extra time etc.
* a good school has good exam preperation for all children

Of course these tests do not assess the whole child. They are not supposed to. The schooling system in SA provides many other opportunities to learn . 
Assessments are throughout the year and children are involved in all sorts of projects, orals, etc.

One of the reasons I think we, the adults  tend to be so negative about exams is we have bought into this idea that children should have no discomfort. More than that, life should be smooth and happy for them. I think this idea is stripping our children and ill equipping them for real life. Exam pressure and writing is a small way for children to experience real pressure .
Having said that I think we, the adults, play an EXCEPTIONALLY huge role in managing the pressure and the stress. Of course their is stress but if children are prepared and ready, then their is not much reason to be hugely stressed.

I had an interesting conversation with a darling girl . I asked her how her tests were. She said to me... "Aunty Caren you make exams seem so normal calling them tests."

Aaaah- bingo. I realised in that small moment that I, the adult, have an enormous role to play in "test" week. My positive / negative attitude is experienced as such by my children.

My peace rule in our household this test time. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Wiliam in Wallace

Each week I spend time with William Wallace. A little 9 year old boy who lives in CT, South Africa. I spend time working with him on a literacy programme. William Wallace is, like his names sake, one of the most courageous boys I know. You see, he really does not read well at all. He struggles to recognise simple sight words and although he can sound the individual letters, he struggles to blend them into words. He lives in a very deprived part of Cape Town. Statistics shared on this are put the drop out rate of children after grade 7 at 80%. William is clinging on by his finger nails. I have a son who is exactly Williams age and in the same grade. I spend afternoons doing the oa sound or the ue sound. I know what William should know.But he does not and he can not. 

Each week I drive to his school and pray. I pray all the way there , which is actually not that far. I pray for this and that. I pray for William. My prayer is something like this...

Dear Lord
I bring William to you. I bring him to your throne of grace. I pray that you will intervene in his life. I pray that you will enable him to get the help he needs so that he can learn to read . Lord please have mercy on this boy. 

Today I began to teach him.... show him.... speak to him about who he was made to be. When he disobeyed I said" William my darling you were made for more than disobedience"

I pray that his life will be impacted by Jesus and that one day he will be counted as one who took part in society in a healthy way rather than the unhealthy way offered to him.

Lord we need you!!

Gods design for my life?

There is so much written about God and his will for my life. 
The bible is clear that God has a plan and a purpose for the universe; the world. He is working our his plan through individual people's lives called into his church. All will be brought under the headship of Jesus Christ because all things are made for him and by him. I love this. ALL things.... the tiniest bug ; the most delicate flower; the small little leaf; the tiny, insignificant life... ALL are made by him and for him. He loves his creation. he spends time investing in it and he has died for it. The amazing thing about Gods design for our lives, if we know him and love him , is that he has a plan for us and he will purpose his plan until it comes to fruition.
 This blows my mind!!

Beth Moore has a great study on the Fruit of the Spirit and in the week on gentleness she pens this idea.... Gentleness describes a complete surrender to Gods purpose for my life. His will.  So we are to stop fighting God and submit. The idea of gentleness in the bible is the opposite of weakness. It is power and strength that comes from submitting to Gods will.

I find this incredibly encouraging. God is working out his plan in my life and If I submit to it, he will develop in me a strength and power that comes from laying down my plans for his. This is gentleness.

This got me thinking about the forward submitting to Gods unseen plans. Are these something I can and will submit too?

What about the backward plans. The pathway I have already walked upon. The weary, broken adventure called life that lies behind. Is Jesus Lord over that too?

These are questions that I feel need an answer from myself. Ones I wrestle with, if I am honest. It would seem that some of the past things need not to have been and yet God has perfectly set them and I choose to trust him.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our 2nd Birthday celebration with a difference.

Yesterday we celebrated Thomas Adam Falconer's 13 blessing. He is not yet 13 but with the busyness of this time of year we thought we would get going a little early. We began this tradition for our family with James when he turned 13. That was a meaningful experience for us all.

Yesterday afternoon, we gathered to thank God for Thomas . The families who came are all people who love Thomas deeply and who have had a profound impact on his life. These are our friends, his friends. Some have known Thomas all his life and are our dearly loved friends and  Thomas' God parents. 

Thomas is a really unique young man. He is indeed a gracious and marvelous creation and we love him more than words can possibly express here. We are grateful to God for his for ALL he is and we rejoice in the work of Gods spirit at work in and through him.

 The ideas, love, thoughts, blessings extended towards and over Thomas' life, were examples of his unique and creative person that God has specifically and purposefully made.

With God there are no mistakes.

I am not going to write here about our Thomas but rather about the real and tangible wonder being part of a community of Jesus Christ is for us all.

As we gathered , adults and children alike , drew near to listen. And while a lot of what the adults shared was ' adult speak' for the younger ones, there was in this moment a profound feeling ; experience of God. He who calls us by name and he who gathers us together . We all just sat and soaked up the words of blessing, kindness, godly wisdom, advice, pointers and prayers for Thomas life. 

Profound and unique are the words of God and profound is his work in our lives.

We are truly blessed to have Christ who dwells in us richly and a community that is true, real and honest. One that is really available and engaged . One that speaks into others lives with words of life.

And so we look forward to what God is doing in Thomas' life. Our prayer is for him to hind himself in the wing of the almighty and find his rest in God alone.

Thank you Jesus.

One of my observations of yesterday was this....

Other people notice things about our children that we think only we see. They notice, they care, they pray and they love our children. This was a real heart moment for me with Thomas.
Secondly, the weight of words spoken into a life struck me again. Words are so easy to say. They flow and find root in the hearer. I am reminded of the strong council in Gods word to gaurd our tongue. But the converse of this is when thought is put into our words, well, these carry weight and find a good place to rest and grow in us.
Friends have something to say too- I was really struck by the beautiful words Thomas friends spoke . These are insights and thoughts into him as a friend and they really warmed my heart.
The last observation is that our children being so different and individual ; just as God has made them; means that these celebrations , though they have a central idea, they have worked out quite differently. They have each reflectd something of the boy-man and his unique personality, gifts and wonderfulness:)
I love this about God, His creativity in making man is astounding in that we are each so different from one another. A truth to be celebrated.