One of the reasons I decided to start a blog was as a result of wanting to say more on forums such as Facebook and realizing that it was not the right space to do it. People can choose to read my blog posts or not.
So it is with the inauguration and the beginning of the presidency of Donald Trump.
My heart is full of concern and shock as we begin this presidency.
Almost daily he has managed to offend, tell half truths, and justify such things as torture without reasoned argument but just because "it works!"
Duh! Of course it works but is it legal?
My heart is full of concern and shock as we begin this presidency.
Almost daily he has managed to offend, tell half truths, and justify such things as torture without reasoned argument but just because "it works!"
Duh! Of course it works but is it legal?
This is a man who stirs the pot. He causes people to draw a line in the sand and he makes many people angry. Myself included!
He has brought people out in large numbers in protest of the ideals he stands for.
However, the one thing I think he is that stands head and shoulders above all the issues people have with him is this one.
He is dangerous for several reasons.
1. He creates his own truth or alternate truth.
This week we watched an interview with Trump where he over simplifies the issue; didn't manage to answer the questions; attacked the journalist who was interviewing him and twisted the truth. All of these points are concerning but I think the most concerning is his attack on truth.
Look at what he said about his own inauguration and the numbers.
This is a very helpful watch and I agree with this premise that it is TRUTH that is under attack.
Trump seems to be a bumbling man who does not know his left from his right but perhaps there is more at stake here and his path is quite clear and direct. If only to him.
2. Donald Trump has managed , in is inaugural speech, to create confusion around who and what Christianity actually is.
I found This prayer for Trump extremely helpful.
I feel strongly that we, who are believers in Jesus, need to speak out against the misunderstanding that Trump and America represents Christianity.
America is NOT Gods Kingdom come on earth and Trump is not the saviour.
Jesus is for ALL people - Muslims and Mexicans, gay and lesbian people, black people and yes even women. God wants ALL people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and in repentance and faith come to know the living God and be saved from the consequence of sin.
ALL people.
The us and them speak." The we will sort you out " bully speak of his speech was not only deeply concerning but also deeply saddening.
3. The influence that his actions and words have do not just stay in America.
His sexist and racist ideas create a space for sexism and racism to raise their evil heads and thrive. Living in a country where we are desperately trying to work through the painful , destructive past where these ideals flourished, I find this reality extremely concerning. It is as if because he says it out loud and with some authority , it makes it ok.
The way forward.
*Pray for Donald Trump and his government.
*Trust God because he is sovereign and nothing has slipped from his loving control and plan, even this.
* speak out- protest and do not be silent against evil
* be grateful for all that is good and those glimmers of heaven we see on earth
This week we watched an interview with Trump where he over simplifies the issue; didn't manage to answer the questions; attacked the journalist who was interviewing him and twisted the truth. All of these points are concerning but I think the most concerning is his attack on truth.
Look at what he said about his own inauguration and the numbers.
This is a very helpful watch and I agree with this premise that it is TRUTH that is under attack.
Trump seems to be a bumbling man who does not know his left from his right but perhaps there is more at stake here and his path is quite clear and direct. If only to him.
2. Donald Trump has managed , in is inaugural speech, to create confusion around who and what Christianity actually is.
I found This prayer for Trump extremely helpful.
I feel strongly that we, who are believers in Jesus, need to speak out against the misunderstanding that Trump and America represents Christianity.
America is NOT Gods Kingdom come on earth and Trump is not the saviour.
Jesus is for ALL people - Muslims and Mexicans, gay and lesbian people, black people and yes even women. God wants ALL people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and in repentance and faith come to know the living God and be saved from the consequence of sin.
ALL people.
The us and them speak." The we will sort you out " bully speak of his speech was not only deeply concerning but also deeply saddening.
3. The influence that his actions and words have do not just stay in America.
His sexist and racist ideas create a space for sexism and racism to raise their evil heads and thrive. Living in a country where we are desperately trying to work through the painful , destructive past where these ideals flourished, I find this reality extremely concerning. It is as if because he says it out loud and with some authority , it makes it ok.
The way forward.
*Pray for Donald Trump and his government.
*Trust God because he is sovereign and nothing has slipped from his loving control and plan, even this.
* speak out- protest and do not be silent against evil
* be grateful for all that is good and those glimmers of heaven we see on earth