This Easter I have decided to write a post about becoming christian. There are those who I have come to know over the years , those I care for very much and who have crossed my path and I have crossed theirs. From time to time I put some words on Face Book or on my blog all about being a follower of Jesus . What in the world is this Jesus stuff all about?
I have been a Christian for about 20 years now. I was not brought up in a Christian home and I did not know God. I learned bible stories at school. I began to hear and learn rumblings of the true Jesus in my teens through a good friend's mom and a teacher who taught us RE. Both these women testified in a small and certain way to a relathionship with God. This was a tantalizing thought and one that came to gnaw at me and draw me to him all at the same time. Over the next 5 years or so , as my life journeyed on through matic and college, I met several authentic Chit Followers. People who love Jesus and loved me enough to share his love with me.
And so I slowly came to see the truth for myself. The ugly truth about myself and the beautiful truth about Jesus and what he has done for me on the cross. The ugly truth about myself is that I am a sinner. I am indeed that. There is no softening of the truth of this statement. I have willfully denied God as my rightful ruler and purposefully lived my life according to my own set of moral rules and judgments. The harsh and ugly truth.
And yet the honest and kind reply of God who has spoken into this sad scenario of mine is not to condem but to love and rescue. You see Jesus died on the cross in my place. He took the punishment that was meant for me and which I deserved and he took it onto himself. I am therefore free of God's judgment on me and have been set free to live - truly live.
God adopted me into his family and given me a knew desire to love and serve him for his Glory.
all this is what has happened in my life. Once I did not believe and now I do. There has been a change. I love Jesus and he is my Lord and my saviour. This Easter time, I pray that you will consider the claims of Jesus on your life. Trust him!
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