This time was no different. We talked about each colour and James read what each meant. I came to the Born Again bit and trusting Jesus for our forgiveness of sins bit and one son said " yes I have done that s o many times". I replied, ' ah, this is about Assurance." and quick of the mark he says, " oh, no mom. It is about Insurance."
Along with some other fun ideas I gleaned off the internet we decided to make Resurrection cookies. Dad pitched in and we got going. I remember from a few years ago that the "cookies" did not go down to well with the vinegar and the nuts so I decided to make plain old meringues.
To do this I used 2 different recipes and both had different ways to cook the meringues. Well in the end we landed up with delicious 'cookies' but alas with no cave like tomb inside. What a laugh. We had a yummy eat none the less.
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