I am proud to be called your father
I know you can be a great woman of God
I love you!!
Words that a father has repeated to a child
each evening as he tucks in the blanket
and plants that kiss on an expectant forehead.
Sweet words to the listening ear
I call out to you
and you are there for me
again and again.
Like a little girl
full of expectation and hope
and you dp not disappoint me
You are so faithful and true
so honest and real
you who formed the universe and each twinkling star
you spoke it all into being
and yet you call ,...
even me
Thank you
for holding me so close and answering my prayers
thank you for loving me
with a never stopping kind of love
for never , never, not for one single second
thank you for never giving up
and loving me despite
and I too want to look into yours eyes one day and say
we made it
you and I
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