Our boys all celebrate their birthdays starting on the 1st December , which happens to be World Aids Day, and then on into January and 2 in Feb. Chiff Chaff and it is all over. Next year , however, we celebrate with James and he turns 13.
Doug and I have been thinking a great deal how we would like to celebrate this birthday with James. We feel that turning 13 is a very precious birthday and it is a time that we would like to use as a point in his life where he can look back and remember something of the beginning point of the journey into adolescence and ultimately manhood.
We have some idea about how we would like to mark this birthday our as especially significant for him and also for us.
As part of this process we have asked others who have gone before us about their ideas . Their have been some great ideas which we would perhaps want to use and tweek to suit our situation. One man we spoke to had a whole year full of boy/man things he was busy executing with his son. He shared some of his fabulous and adventurous ideas with us and as he spoke we both began to feel , well, really less as parents because we had not and can not even begin to fill up the year with such marvelous things for our special boy.
So my mind begins to swim with questions and run free with anxiety. Are we doing enough to mark this boys coming of age. We dont have the resources or the support that this man has and we have 4 boys all vying for Doug's attention while he has one. Our situation and circumstances are quite different. As I reflect calmly on what was shared and how to respond, I have settled on this.....
God has given us all we need including all we need to raise each of our boys with a sure knowledge of Jesus. God is at work in James and God wants a relathionship with him through Jesus. The greatest gift we can give this young man is a safe and loving home - a place where he can grow , share, try and fail, explore ideas and take ownership of his faith for himself.
The second thing I settled on was this. A walk with Dad where good things are shared together is just as rich in blessing and significance than all the things money can buy. A game of squash or help with a school project where ideas are shared carried much weight in preciousness as an expensive trip to somewhere.
As we begin to set in motion some precious planned times with Doug and James and as we begin to plan for James his passing from one stage into another , we do so with joy and gladness for Jesus has given us all we already need to do this well.
and so the matter is settled.....
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