I love these kinds of pithy sayings. Things that make one think about life in general and the things that really matter. I particularly like the one that says .... Be kind to unkind people, they need it the most.
The bible has a great deal to say about kindness. We have just finished a series in Ruth where God's kindness towards Naomi and Ruth is displayed in his povidence for them. God says a great deal about our words and I have written about words here before.
I love that God is so clear about the way we are to treat each other. At the moment I am doing a study in Esther with a marvelous bunch of women who I am getting to know. We are doing a Beth Moore study. One of the interesting themes that has emerged is what Beth calles " meanness" but what I have called unkindness. She explores the root of Hamans hatred and hence deep unkindness towards the Jews. We discovered that Haman and Mordecai have a history that threads all the way back to the days of King Saul. Unkindness often has a history. One of the more disturbing thoughts about unkindess is that unkindess towards me often brings out the unkindness IN me. That is why I love these words.... Be kind to unkind people, they need it most.
If you are honest with yourself, you will know that sometimes it is very difficult to be kind, really kind, to the unkind ; the unlovley ; the mean. And yet Jesus compels us to Love even our enemy. I know that these are very big asks from our Lord but I know that with his very real and minute by minute help, we can.
The life stories of people like Corrie ten Boom and Dietrich Bonhoffer
reflect that in times of extreme pressure , Jesus' help is real and his motivationfor life is true.
I know so many everyday people, who just through everyday living, reveal and ehibit the love of God towards others in many , many acts of kindness.
All are real pictures of our Great God and his ultimate kindness towards us in giving Jesus to die on the cross. May these words that seem so good become the very fibres of our being and the very heart beat of our exsistance.
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