Those who read my blog know that I am a Christan. I was not brought up in a Christan home. I came to know Jesus in my early twenties.
What do I mean by this...
Well, I came to understand that I was not living my life in the right order.
I was in charge and God was not!
That is the wrong way around.
I was totally in control of my destiny and plans. I did not give God a second thought. But, I came to realise that this is not how life is meant to be lived. This is indeed the very heart of sin and rebellion. You see, I felt I did not actually need God.
Becoming a Christan meant that my eyes were opened and I saw the truth. God is indeed alive and well and rules the universe . My rebellion was wrong. Jesus has died on the cross so that my rebellion can be paid for. I was set free from the penalty of my rebellion against God who is all holy and all loving but who will hold me responsible.
The penalty for rebellion is death.
Jesus took my place and my punishment.
He now rules my life with kindness and love and help. He is the one who defines my plans and purpose of my life. I am living under his Kingship and his love.He is my Lord and my God.
I am not longer the same person I was. I am new.
What has all this got to do with ADHD?
My very understanding and coming to grips with having an ADHD family comes from a clear understanding that the world is broken because of sin and rebellion.
I am broken and my kids are broken. I know it is going to be tough. We need to work hard to get it right and still we get it wrong.
There is forgiveness.
God's rich love and forgiveness is at work and so when I muck up and I do and when my boys all muck up and they do - we can hold out forgiveness and start again.
There is grace.
God showers his grace on our lives every minute of every day. Grace to every person in the world like the sun shining or the gift or friendship and family. God's common grace.
But then to us who are called by him and belong to him he pours out grace to us specifically. That which we do not deserve and can not earn he gives us freely. I need his help in times of trouble and he gives it with love.
He is so wonderful because he gives us just what we need, in the moment, if we ask and rely on him.
I have a permanent talk opportunity with the Living God about all things and everything. He hears me and he hears us and he helps.
Loving brothers and sisters.
Gos has brought every Christan into his family and we are there to support and love and build up and encourage each other and boy do parents today need this.
Safe Love!!
We have a certain hope which we hold out to each other in our family. Yes. life may be hard but God is here now. He is at work now and he will take us to that place we call Heaven or rather the new earth. he will make all things new and right. Jesus will personally wipe away EVERY tear . He will comfort us now and then.
We have the Spirit.
God's spirit is at work in every Christan. Making us new and changing us . He is real and powerful. he can give us the things we lack in this life like peace and joy and love and self control.
God's Word.
We have our great God speaking to us through his word. The Bible. Every time we read it Jesus speaks to us. What an amazing thing that is. Wacky and amazing. We have real comfort and courage from his word.
We understand struggles rightly.
Jesus said, " in this world you will have struggles . But take heart, for I have overcome the world"
We know, as Christan's, that this life is by no means perfect. In fact it can be jolly tough. Jesus told us this too. The bible teaches us how to think about trials and struggles rightly. God is at work in the mess and chaos of life. In the mess and chaos of ADHD life- he is at work. He is refining us all and working for our good and his glory. There is purpose in struggles and trials. There is a plan.
I take great comfort from these big truths and rest in the loving arms of our kind heavenly father who is at work.
ADHD is real but Jesus is also very real. I cling to him.
Trust him!!
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