Today , a family at our high school bury their daughter. A bright , beautiful 15 year old, with her life stretching before her.
Almost a year ago, another beautiful family buried their son of 13.
Suicide is a hard and harsh reality in our South African context. The statistics are high and , if we listen closely, we know that these teens are hurting, struggling, longing and crying out to us.
Will we hear?
Reading the countless tributes to this young, beautiful woman, my heart wept.
In, truth it has been weeping all week for his parents and siblings; for her friends; for our school
and her previous school.
Lord can you comfort today and in the weeks that lie ahead. Go to those places, those secret places, where no-one can go. Place your hand of loving kindness upon this family , today and comfort their deep and forever pain in the loss of this child..... their child.
People have asked me.... do we know why?
That answer may never be but what is true is that she is no longer here.....
and a whole lot of people are hurting.
My heart is burdened for our teens.
The tremendous pressure to conform; be liked; fit in is real and reigns over these precious young people like a cloak waiting to smother them.
There is pain in finding identity.
There are some great books and web sites for parents and teens.
James Dobsons book for teens called , " Preparing for Adolescence" is an excellent book and interestingly his very first chapter is all about the dangers of finding identity down the wrong road.
Lets love them