Monday, September 7, 2015

What in the world are we doing?

This is a photograph of our 4 sons. It was taken some years back now and ,James, our eldest son is 15 and in High School. All our boys play sport and each of them plays at a different level and at different degrees. We are a hockey family. We are also an ADHD family but above all we are a Christ following family.

The title of this post is "what in the world are we doing?" Because it ks a question that has plagued my mind over the years and which I revisited yesterday, as I stood alongside the hockey astro. Mind you it is present in the classroom, in the home, in my art room, in the homeschooling environment, and even in church.

The thing I am talking about here is competition. That driving to be the best or better than the person along side us. I am not against a bit of healthy competion and nor am I blind to the reality that some have within them a competitive nature. I have written about it in relation to ADHD and our son. I get it, and yet I don't.

You see , yesterday I witnessed something so pitiful, so deeply sad and shocking, It made me angry. I experienced darling parents, who collect their children along side me at the school gate, turn ugly. Primarily their focus was on their own child and so so e might say there is nothing in that. However, the most haunting statement I took way was this one, " you are better than they are" and I tjouht to myself doesn't this encapsulate the heart of what competition is for us, as parents.

You are better.

This was a school, in house, 8 and 9 year old , fun hockey match.

So, I thought I would write and just maybe, maybe someone will hear.

Character counts more than being better than someone. That is simply an outward measure. How a child wins or looses, how he or she treats his team mates and the opposing side is what counts. It is what will remain , at the very end.

Character, who you are when the chips are down. Fateful, kind, other centred, encouraging, thoughtful, a good winner and great looser.

I plead with parents, be aware, be careful, be sure and be prepared to reap what you sow with your mouth. Our children....all of them are listening.
Sport is a brilliant place to learn all sorts of good and healthy things , for life itself. I fear that all our children are learning is that they are better than the next child.

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