Monday, June 13, 2016

The Great Sugar Story

Welcome to the world in which we all  live!

The world of delicious food and a plethora of choice .

 Just take pizza as an example. 
What kid of topping might you choose? What sort of base? To cheese or not to cheese ? TO bant or not to bant.

Food is good and good food is fun to eat and share with those we love. 

The question on the table here is....

Is the food we eat every day making us sick?

This movie about sugar suggests that it is and all because of the added sugar that goes into 80% of the food we eat. The hidden sugar that we consume on a daily basis adds up to a substantial amount indeed. More than our bodies are designed to cope with.

I have become a sugar detective. Convinced by my doctor who is no quack but a regular GP with regular treating methods, that I should cut out the sugar in my diet, I gave it a go. Not before having purchased a good book to read on the subject and having watched some great TED on it too

or this one

The key reason my doctor was keen for me to get off sugar was that I have had pain and inflamation for about the last 10 years.

The pain I experience was with me constantly, every day and would often wake me up in the night. 

Sugar causes inflamation and so it would make sence that I try remove the sugar part of my diet.

Just to clear, I am no sugar junkie. I do not take sugar in my tea or coffee. I do not eat loads of cake. In fact my only sugar intake was probably the one chocolate I had probably every day and the hidden sugar in the food I ate. 

So --- I cut it out!!

My experience in my body has been profound.  The key 2 things that have changed are these...

1. the pain in my hip has disappeared

2. my craving for sugary, sweet things has gone

The interesting thing is that if I should eat a something with sugar in , which is on the rare occasion, I will wake up in the night that follows in great pain. 

I have kept a careful note of this sugar vs pain response in my body  and without any doubt this is the resuslt. I realise this is anecdotal evidence but it does seem to bear witness to the information being found and shared in the media.

I encourage you to do some investigation and see if the claim that sugar is making us sick might just hold some truth. 

I recall visiting a sugar mill while on holiday in Kwazulu. It was a great excursion and extremely educational. Those who have visited Natal will recall the beautiful rolling hills of sugar cane. Sugar is what makes this place tick. 

The movie Amazing Grace is about slavery and the fight to bring it to an end. The key comodity that people where transporting apart from people was  indeed SUGAR.

Sugar has been with us for a long, long time but perhaps it has had its day.

Find out for yourself!!

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