Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From That Broken Place

Tonight I write from that very broken place inside. I am sad, so very, very sad.

I am actually unable to write about the thing that has broken my heart yet again. I am just so very very sad and the sadness always leads to questions and questions have no answers. The why is left to hang in the air like a dusty christmas decoration taken out yet again for the tree.. I have no answer to the question of sadness except that it is and always will be - all consuming and there, in that deep and secret place.

I want to run away and hide from life but life rolls on like the waves ; one after the other in that endless rhythm...... can you hear them ... on and on.

I have a yearning inside to be happy and full and alive. But all that is there is broken and left alone to be. Words spoken in anger or in truth are words that stay and grow and take on a shape of their own. How do we flee from the words that have shape within us. How ?

The question that is left to hang on the tree....unanswered.

"Hello. How are you?" is the question most asked. "I am Ok." I smile knowing that I am lying.

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