About 9 years ago a small and extremely special group of friends and I got together to launch Opperation Christmas Box. With the help and support of our awesome church - St James Kennleworth, Cape Town - we have been able to collect these great gifts for underprivaledged children in Cape Town.

1. something to eat
2.something to drink ( ot a milky drink)
3. something to play with
4. something to draw with or colour in
5. perhaps something to wear
6. a card or picture with a little meassage - optional

Over the years we have collected beautiful boxes from the loving members from St James Church. WE have been able to support and partner with our church in Khayelitsha , Hout Bay and on the Cape Flats. The children have heard about Jesus' love for them through out the year and now they get to experience a little kindness from others. For some of these children , this is the only gift they get at Christmas.

Some of the churches we share these boxes with, use them to invite the parents of the children to church. They also get to hear about Gods love for them found in Jesus Christ.
I want to encourage those who read this blog to make a box for a little child. I also want to encourage you to come and sort through the boxes with us in early december. It is a wonderful opportunity for the family to get ' stuck in' and do something practical for others. Each year we go through each box . It has been a great opportunity for our children to be involved in sorting and the questions and discussions around wealth and poverty and Jesus and who he is , have been priceless.
So, to all who have contributed to Opperation Christmas Box over these 8 years I want to say Thank You. Please be encouraged by the blessing your box is to one little child in Cape Town and what a tool it is in the hands of those who share the gospel with their parents and grandparents.
Thank You so much Caren and the team for this. Our church here in Nomzamo township has bennefited immensly from these Christmas boxes.Many of our children do not get Christmas presents from their homes, but to get these gifts its such a joy and priveledge to them. It is also an opportunity for us as we hand these gifts to invite parents to come hear the gospel. Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative. Peter Makapela, pastor of Somlandela Bible Church ( CESA), Nomzamo strand.