How we did Halloween.
We decided to do Halloween in a new way this year. In previous years we have tried to steer clear of all the "trick and treating" by turning off our doorbell. One year a stunning lady from our church, Marietjie, had us all over and told us some stories about Jesus and had some sweets for the kids. That was very special. This year we decided to make little bags of sweets for the kids who came around. In each we put a little verse about God and his love and most of all and best of all we all prayed for each little person. It was a great opportunity for us to stick like glue as a family together and to make a stand for Christ. I am not going to say that Christians should or should not trick or treat, that is for their conscience and their convictions but for us, for now we have decided not to take part in this tradition. Instead we have really practiced praying for our neighbourhood and sharing in a wee bit of Gods love in a practical way! It was for us, especially James, something actual to sink his spiritual teeth into. It was fun and well worth the effort. So if you came to our door last night know you are much love by God and much prayed for by us!
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