This blog contains some of the stitches being sewn in our living tapestry. My hope is that the readers will be encouraged by our stories and that you will somehow get a tiny glimpse of Jesus as he stitches the tapestry together.
Friday, March 30, 2012
I am a follower of Jesus Christ
This Easter I have decided to write a post about becoming christian. There are those who I have come to know over the years , those I care for very much and who have crossed my path and I have crossed theirs. From time to time I put some words on Face Book or on my blog all about being a follower of Jesus . What in the world is this Jesus stuff all about?
I have been a Christian for about 20 years now. I was not brought up in a Christian home and I did not know God. I learned bible stories at school. I began to hear and learn rumblings of the true Jesus in my teens through a good friend's mom and a teacher who taught us RE. Both these women testified in a small and certain way to a relathionship with God. This was a tantalizing thought and one that came to gnaw at me and draw me to him all at the same time. Over the next 5 years or so , as my life journeyed on through matic and college, I met several authentic Chit Followers. People who love Jesus and loved me enough to share his love with me.
And so I slowly came to see the truth for myself. The ugly truth about myself and the beautiful truth about Jesus and what he has done for me on the cross. The ugly truth about myself is that I am a sinner. I am indeed that. There is no softening of the truth of this statement. I have willfully denied God as my rightful ruler and purposefully lived my life according to my own set of moral rules and judgments. The harsh and ugly truth.
And yet the honest and kind reply of God who has spoken into this sad scenario of mine is not to condem but to love and rescue. You see Jesus died on the cross in my place. He took the punishment that was meant for me and which I deserved and he took it onto himself. I am therefore free of God's judgment on me and have been set free to live - truly live.
God adopted me into his family and given me a knew desire to love and serve him for his Glory.
all this is what has happened in my life. Once I did not believe and now I do. There has been a change. I love Jesus and he is my Lord and my saviour. This Easter time, I pray that you will consider the claims of Jesus on your life. Trust him!
A Poem for Doug
“This is the real
This is it!
This is life”, she told me
I have been pondering these words and have come up with this
Life is happening as we speak.
All of it, all of the time
Minute by minute.
That full up feeling wells up in me
Bringing with it tears of deep regret of things said and done
That I am not proud of
And deep longing for that which seems to be
Just out of reach.
What is it in me that can not escape?
The claws and grip of
That which should not be.
How much longer I struggle
and fight and hold on to that which is safe?
These questions swim in my mind and the answer
stands way off standing confused and daunted by the question itself.
Always out of reach, usually here for the taking but so hard to hold
Like a slippery rock or a slithering snake it squirms away, so that I can not hold it firm and secure.
How then do I press on?
My burden is heavy and closed.
These words I write help to clarify and expose that which chooses to fight and remain tightly shut up in the past.
The past is ever present you see.
It lurks and curls and is.
It is the ever present whisperer
“I am here and you are trapped”
If only I could rip the very heart of the past right out and shatter it beneath
It would swirl and shrivel in the light and die the death it aught.
The longing for what seems to never be is real and sad.
To trust and trust again is that which is hidden
It forms the core of all I am and sends out those soldiers that keep watch
Keep me safe
To trust and give myself to you is the hardest thing I have ever been called to do
Yet God you never lie and so I can trust you but do I?
Do I totally and with all my being trust the Living God who is the kind whisperer
who calls me, calls me to Him.
With my head I shout yes but with the core of who I am I am unsure.
I have a friend who is blind.
Trust is the essence I see as she allows herself to be lead
She journeys over ground that is unsure and unseen and yet she goes
Her vulnerability is tangible
I long to trust you Jesus just like that.
And so once again I ask the Alpha and Omega
Grant from your hand of grace that flows like a river
Grant me trust like this oh Son of Man
He who sits enthroned and King
He who rules the world and is
Real and love and kindness and compassion in all its essence
He who we worship
The Easter I am reminded of his great cost
His sacrifice and suffering for me
So that I may be set free from the bondage of sin and set free to love and live
For him, through him and, in him.
And yet I come again to humbly ask for more.
Who am I that the God of the Universe should even hear
Forgive me again Jesus
Thanks you for the cross
Thank you again for your love and care
I love you
From this love that you give
Help me to love the one you have given me
With a pure and true and trusting, deep love
This is my desire!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Boy Zone
There are things that boys just do, like burping and farting or climbing and running ; like bouncing a ball inside and outside and like being loud and boisterous. I call this our Boy Zone.
I find boys to be a delightful lot. I guess I say this in part because God has blessed us with 4 boys and so everything we do is all about being a boy. Our home is full of cricket and hockey and water polo and swimming and running and squash. Lets not forget the soldiers and Lego. We share books on war and fighting and pirates and war ships and star wars.
There is the serious and then there is always the silly serious.
I love being with our boys in particular and it is pure joy to share a fun and enthusiastic party like the one we held on Saturday.
There was not a hint of girl in sight ( except for me of course) but I kept a low profile. The 10 boys teamed up to create a flag and then proceeded to try and steal the others flag by pelting each other with water balloons and flour bombs. Pure energy. Pure boy.
Jethro had his fun run on Friday this week. He ran with great gusto and made it to the finishing line. Then on to the jumping castle and the plethora of activities lined up. Pushing and jostling on the bounce . The energy and life in these little people is amazing.

Our boy zone is fueled and fed with 100% testosterone. Over the years and increasingly I am learning to celebrate boyhood and as James begins his journey into manhood, we are choosing to celebrate. It is a great joy and privileged to be a part of these four boys lives and then of course the other boys God brings into our lives. Friendship is a gift to be enjoyed and treasured. Boys seem to have that amazing way about them with their friends. It is called persevering and fun. They have a glorious way to bounce back and get on with it through the thick and the thin.

the fridge door is opened and the body holding it aside is foraging. The cupboard door stands ajar and the hands inside are searching. What are they wanting? Food!!!
I am hungry is the mantra of the Falconer 4 and I aim to please. Chicken pie is a firm favourite as are lamb chops and pasta with cheese sauce. But please keep the veggies to a minimum mom.
Computer games and the like switch a switch on
I have noticed that boys seem to love and I mean love technology. Game time on the weekends is kept to a minimum with a variety of timers and a very strict mom. It is totally conceivable that without these, the boys in this family would continue to play on into the wee hours of the morning.
The gaming designers are well practiced and clever at marketing and strategy to hook the prey and keep them flapping as they desire more. The PC game and PSP and Playstation and WII are the flip side of shoes and clothing and make -up. What did we do without these.
Book Zone
The n calm descends like a mist or a fog. It is so still and un-naturally quiet. One wonders what in the world can bring such peace and quiet to the stormy , male seas in The Falconers home. It is that wonderful thing called a book. All our boys love reading and love books and so when darkness draws in they are happy to bound off to bed and to find joy and rest and encouragement in the pages of a book. The kinds of books that they love to read vary from child to child and yet the choice reflects not only personality but once again the boyishness of boys.
Harry Potter and Just William ; Tintin and Asterix , The Horrible Histories and Horrible Geographies ; Percy Jackson and The Lord of the Rings.
Give a boy a bat or a bike ; a ball or a board and Ill show you a happy soul
Doug is a great role model. He is energetic and fun. he works hard at spending time with each boy and gives good , sound guidance along the way.
Where he comes up short ,he is willing to grow.
Thanks be to God!
We press on with God's direct help and grace and his word to show us the way so that we can direct and guide and so that He can tweek and change. The most important priority for us is to share jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. Through all the business and mess and in the midst of 100% energy and thrill we long for and pray for and work for the next generation of Godly men.
Welcome to The Boy Zone