Monday, February 25, 2013

A birthday celebration of a different kind

 This weekend we celebrated James 13th birthday. It was definitely not the usual kind of celebration.  We did not sing happy birthday and we did not play games. We gathered together so that the men in our special group of Christian families  could encourage James with some wisdom for life and we prayed for him.
Doug and I decided upon this idea around when James was born. Back then we read a great deal about children and one great book was Steven Biddulph - Raising Boys. He pointed out that many cultures have a marking of the shift from boyhood to manhood with a certain and sure mark and so we decided , way back then to give this idea some thought . The time between then and now has flown so quickly and so arrive at the dawn James adolescent years.

The families and their children all gathered and after a time we settled together, under the tree and we began. It was a rich and special time when these men after God's heart, shared wisdom and biblical truths and life challenges with James. Then we had a time where we could all pray for him.

The key things that stood out for Dougie and I were firstly the real community that God gives in his family. we are a group of different people with diverse cultural and family backgrounds. Here we were, all gathered in Jesus name to bless James. The rich love that these families shared with us and James in the things said, encouraged and offered was really a testimony to God at work in us all. It was beautiful and a real privaledge for Dougie and I to be a part of so much care and love.

Secondly the picture that was created by the men that spoke  drew for us a big picture of Gods wonderful work and the experience we have when we are called and live for him. One man spoke of God's word and the importance of that; another of keeping on in the faith and the support of others, of friends ; another spoke about the wisdom God gives in the world with words and ideas and yet keeping focused on living for him ; another spoke of relathionship with Jesus; and Hid daddy spoke of his character. What a rich and full, all inclusive picture these words of wisdom and truth created.

Thirdly we were encouraged by the common purpose we all had. Jesus! and from him flows all meaning , true freedom, real hope and purpose.

And so we contine to live out the gospel and pray for our James as he begins this next phase of his life. May God protect him and guide him and indeed be his all in all. 

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