Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A World of Bodies at The Body World


I was in the fortunate and unusual space with time to kill and some cash to spend... all on myself.  I have been wanting to visit the Body World exhibition currently on in Cape Town SA and so I seized the moment.  There were no queues and it was really not busy at all. 
I was not to sure about seeing the dead who were once living , in real life. The exhibition was very well put together. The information was all very interesting and informative and I learnt an enormous amount.  The disease in the body and the healthy life style thrust to the whole thing was very challenging. 
Highlights for me where the entire nervous system separated out and laid flat for careful study; the stages of gestation of a fetus; the beautiful network of capillaries which literally encapsulate the body; the clever and obviously real display of bodies in action; the interesting display showing famous artists and their eye denigration - what they saw as they painted as apposed to what was really being painted; the beautiful cross sections of the body which were in themselves works of art; the sizing of the organs and the influence of things like alcohol and smoking on them.
I loved the emphasis on life in the midst of death and of the hope of living healthily.
Most of all the whole exhibition, from the beginning to the end, points to the one who thought up, designed, created and sustains the human body. I left feeling that I had learnt something about the world we live. All glory to Jesus the maker and sustainer of life and indeed the giver of spiritual life to all who trust in him.

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

139 O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
You them me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.
7 Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
13 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 if I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.
19 Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God!
O omen of blood, depart from me!
20 They speak against you with malicious intent;
your enemies take your name in vain.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
22 I hate them with complete hatred;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!

1 comment:

  1. It was amazing, wasn't it??!!! I also felt like you, in awe of how God created us so so so creatively and carefully. Nothing was left to 'chance'.
