Thursday, February 7, 2013

Be True to Yourself?

We live in the time of words and sayings. Yes, over the centuries gone by, many have written  poetic and philosophical saying, but these seemed to belong to the intellectuals. The domain of the educated. Nowadays, words and pithy phrases litter the streets and shop walls all begging to be bought.  They offer ideas of hope, love, faith, joy, belief, prayer and the like. Don't get me wrong, some of these words are beautiful in themselves and hold great meaning for the one who hangs it on the wall. 
They are fun!!

Along with these come ideas like being true to yourself. I often struggle with ideas like this because, quite frankly, I am never totally sure what this means. Should I give in to all my desires and live a totally self centered life. Is this what I am being encouraged to do.
I am sure people who offer this life philosophy and who live it have valid reasons for it. 
However, I know that my broken and selfish nature will always put myself first and others second. 

The challenge, therefore as a Christian, is to be true to ourselves by being true to the one who has called us. If Jesus has called us to himself, then we belong to him and by living a life that expressly demonstrates this belonging we are being true, not so much to ourselves but to our calling; to our saviour ; to our God. In fact this kind of living - living for Jesus our God, is indeed the thing that marks us out as belonging to him rather than belonging to ourselves. By living a life that is trusting and walking in God's ways and by his laws and his order, we live as children in obedience.

Ouch - the word Obedience is a funny word.
Whenever I hear it something in me grates. 
But ...
when I think through what that actually means in the life of a Chrisitan,
well, then quite a different picture is painted. Living a life that please Jesus is indeed living in Obedience to his word and in doing so we are set free. 
How very strange that Obedience to Jesus brings freedom.

Obedience = freedom

I guess we can understand this in another way. If I am obedient to the rules around eating healthily and eating little, well then I have the freedom to be slim . 

Obedience in the Bible holds the idea of putting my stubborn self - loving 'self' under the authority and loving rule of Jesus, who is God.
Living as a believer in Jesus requires of me that I walk every day in submission to him who is the rightful ruler of my life.

There is more!!
If I live with my life under Jesus rightful rule, he gives to me many blessings and one of these is Purpose.
My life has focus ; a goal ; a future ; a present meaning and a purpose. 
I dont know about you but I think we live at a point in history where many a young person cries out for a purpose in life. 
Jesus gives  real freedom and purpose.
His word gives the training and teaching in obedience and his word equips us, readies us and prepares us for the good works that God has prepared for us.

Purpose = good works

I really used to struggle with understanding what these good works might be. Feeding the poor, helping the homeless, gathering clothing and food; helping the widowed and the abandoned....Living in South Africa, this list is goes on. Of course we must do these if and when we are able, but more simply, the good works are the every day things that God brings along our path. The husband to love, the children to care for ; the friend to help ; the neighbour to encourage ; the gospel to share. Everyday life is the mission field where God plans and brings people who need to be loved.
We are his hands and his feet. 

So, I am encouraged and so encourage you, precious reader, to keep the faith and walk the walk Jesus calls you to found in his word. Hold to his truth and he will equip you for his good works which are set before you each day. Live for him and he will bless you in freedom and purpose.


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