Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Which way now?

What to do with the really "big" decisions in life?

This term has turned out to be one of those terms. You know the ones I mean? It has been busy beyond busy with each child's life full of this and that. My life has been full of good working times and crazy mom times and Doug has been so snowed under. You do know the kind of term I mean!

In the midst of all this we had some very big decision to make. It is time to choose a high school for our first born.
For those who have gone before me on this journey, please bear with me. 
I have found this a very stressful time full of ifs and buts and what about, questions. We have had to make a decision based on all sorts of unknowns . It is a time when everyone is talking school talk which confuses and panics the soul. I have felt like a yo-yo being pulled up and down, jerked back and forth. 
In Cape Town we have serveral very good schools to choose from which in some way makes the choice more difficult. 

Where to start?

I guess the best advice we had was to start with our son. What kind of a kid is he and what would suit him best. I like to extend the idea that we need to find a school that suits our child well though. It became clear to me that the school needs not only to suit the child well but it also needs to fit the family. A child, family fit is what we landed up searching for. 

The criteria for a good school ( not the best school ) for us looks something like this....

1. A school where James can be who he is - not humanism or individualism but freedom to be who he is. That is a school where he can be chrisitan
2. a school that encouraged and grew him in an obvious way as a chrisitan young man, would be a bonus
3. A school where he could learn and be educated well and holds learning high
one that values learning
4. a school that has some ( not every) good sport for all children and all abilities
5. a school that has some outward focus
6. a school that offers music

I would like to say that all this has been easy and plain sailing. We are not yet out of the woods. I know that James will do well at any school he goes but that is not the only measure of a high school for him. 

Whenever I write, you dear reader know that I can not possibly write about life and these experiences we have devoid of Jesus and the impact he has on me.. on us as a family. 
In all the anxiety and stress and confusion this one thing remains constant.
Jesus knows James. he made him and has called him according to his good purpose and he has the school settled already. All I have to do is do the work of applying and then pray and trust. 

Why is it so hard to do this. It sounds easy but in real life it is hard. My self wants to sort and solve. Plan and prep. But Jesus wants me to ask him and rest in him and trusut him. Even if the end result does not seem to be the one we choose.

And so... we wait and pray and ask for trust so that we can rest in our great God. I am remeinded that God's big story is our story .
to be continued!!

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