It is Easter time.
It seemed to have spun around so quickly this year.I have found little time to reflect and little time to prepare and I don't like that. So this week I began to read the Easter story again. I read from Matthew mainly and a little from the other Gospels. I decided to tell the children the story of Easter rather than read it to them. In this way we could all add in and each child could understand the story for themselves. When children grow up in a Christian home, I see one of the challengers being to keep the true story of the bible alive for them. I guess as Jesus lives in and though us he is carried on out into our homes for them to touch and taste and really experience. But , for me, I love the bible and I really want the words to be a treasure to them too. So, hence the story telling this time around!!
Some things that struck me about my time spent reading. One of them was this thought. Judas BETRAYED Jesus and Peter DENIED Jesus. Two people who walked and lived with Jesus. Two people who saw him perform miracles and teach profound truths. And yet two very different responses to him. To betray someone is a really big deal. it has a ring of trickery and receipt about it. It smacks of plotting and planning against someone for selfish gain. To deny someone is also a negative term. It also has a smell of walking away from someone or of not standing by someone in a moment of need. People betray and deny each other all the time. These two disciples were no different. In Jesus need there was betrayal and denial. And yet when we look more closely at Judas and Peter we see two very different men.
Judas was confronted by Jesus at the Passover meal with the truth that someone would betray him. Judas asks Jesus if it is him and when Jesus acknowledges that it is, not even this truth stirs Judas to act differently. His heart is not stirred. There is not struggle over his decision to act. He simply leaves the room and meal and acts!! In so doing he Betrays a friend and a man he has known. Betrayal is a wicked thing.
Peter, on the other hand, professes his unwavering commitment to Jesus and claims even if the others leave Jesus, he never would. When , in the end , as Jesus predicts, he denies Jesus not once but three times, Peter is filled with sorrow and shame and weeps for his sin. In doing so he recognises his predicament. He is humbled. Judas , by contrast, although filled with guilt, does not hang around to see the glorious end of the story - Jesus resurrection - but goes of and commits suicide. Judas takes things into his own hands. He tries to right the wrong by returning the money to the rulers and then in hopelessness acts again.
Two men ; two responses to Jesus and two very different outcomes.
For Peter, Jesus has a personal and real restoration plan. When the resurrected Jesus returns to his disciples he purposefully and personally reinstates Peter.
The Easter story is such a personal story to me. I love this time of year. Jesus' death and resurrection for me is real and he is alive and thrillingly at work in my life. And yet that is not all this true story is about. That Jesus has called me to be a part - a small part - of his BIG and wonderful redeeming story, is something that really blesses my heart. God's call on our lives is not just about me and my story , although it is in part. But it is so much bigger than that. In the Easter story Jesus says " All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me". This statement from Jesus about who he is and what authority he has been given really blows my mind. he is God - the king of the entire world and the universe and he is in charge. Lovlingly ruling and working out his purposes for mankind, and indeed the world. He is. He is real. He is alive. he is at work. He is in control and he is loving and saving and changing people. People who deny him. It is so very easy to be condemming of Peter and yet if I think of my life and how many times I deny Jesus , well I am indeed a Peter. I deny Jesus and his power and his Lordship every time I choose to do things my way. I deny Jesus and his faithfulness every time I doubt and lack trust. Jesus is forever forgiving and kind and alwasy lifts us up and reinstantes us - us Peters!!
I am so thankful for the cross. I am so thankful that we can worship him freely in our own lives and as a church. I am so in awe of his love and his work and his forgiveness. It is a joy to serve him.
If you are not yet a part of God's world wide family of people who know him and live for him then can I commend the Gospel of Matthew to you. I pray that Jesus will become real to you this Easter and that you will be saved. Amen
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