Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hand in Hand

I have been very encouraged by friendship.
 Actually, to be totally honest, I have been blown away.

For those who read my blog regularly , you will know that our eldest son has been selected to travel to Bulgaria to take part in an international Maths competition. 

This is an enormous privilege and honour and we are thrilled on many levels. 
Along with much maths training and fun we have to raise a large sum of money to pay for his trip. 

So, we have set about trying to raise the money. There are three key areas of fundraising here. Firstly large corporate funding ; secondly our own personal fundraising and then lastly the three Sweet Valley boys chosen to go , fundraising as a group!!

So we have begun....

I have taken on two new adult beginner art classes. Doug has taken on some extra work too.

My art classes are really popular and I am looking forward to these .
James has also spent some of his holiday walking dogs, watering plants and feed ing pets to earn some extra cash. He has a few car washing jobs and a window cleaning job to complete. All in all people have been generous and kind. 
These little bits of work have been very good for us all and for James to do.
Working for money is a good life lesson.
The thing that has totally blown me away and has surprised me has been those people who have taken James under their wing so to speak and have blessed us and him with either a one off donation ; or by donating a worthwhile thing to be used as a raffel. Two fab friends are going to organise a benniffit concert in their garden for us.
Another has offered her fab sports equipment for James to sell and get something from it.


I am so overwhellemed by people and their love and support.
Thank you very much.
I did not anticipate this amount of support and kindness. 
Friends holding hands and encouraging and supporting.

Thanks you!!


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