Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Day in the Life- Part 14 - Struggling to sleep!

ADHD children often struggle to fall asleep.  They often struggle to stay asleep.

This makes perfect sense if you imagine a Ferrari brain having to slow down and be still in order that it can drift off to sleep.  When a child gets just too little sleep, night after night, after night, one can but simply imagine how effective and available they are for learning, co-operating, functioning during the day. Added to this the ADHD traits, well it is like having a stick of dynamite ready to blow at any moment.

Fot years and years, in fact all his 11 years of life , our son has struggled with sleep.
As a baby he struggled to sleep. I worked hard at keeping him asleep and managed, for a time to help him get some good brain, sleep routine in. But as he has grown , his sleep or lack their of has worsened.  What this looks like is….. imagine a dead tired kid. All ready for bed; same old usual flexible routine; same usual bed time and all the good habits we know as parents help and promote good sleep. Mostly I think he has fallen asleep and mostly he has not. He will lie in bed and try and try and try but sleep evades him.  In the end he comes for help….. Usually in tears because now he is well over being tired. Now he is anxious and scared. He know he needs to sleep but his brain just will not co-operate.

Both our sons who are on the spectrum struggle to fall asleep.
The second one has benefited from the help we have with the first.:)

We have tried all sorts of things…. Light on, light off, natural this and natural that; sitting with him; music; and the like. You name it; we tried it all over the years.
A friend recommended Melatonin and our doctor then confirmed the use of it. Her words were, “sleep deprivation is so damaging for children and yes, Melatonin has got its side effects but sleep deprivation is devastating.” Melatonin has transformed our home and our lives. Seldom do we have those same tears when sleep evades. Melatonin works by producing melatonin that the brain naturally manufactures. As soon as the lights go off, in the dark, the melatonin factory sets to work. So, added melatonin works in the same way and brings on sleep. It works!! What relief. What sleep. Managing Melatonin usage just means we need to give his brain a rest from it at times. Thank you Lord for practical help with the small and big things in life.

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