Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Through the Storm of life and Despite it.

Life can be so difficult sometimes. Yes, there are the great times, full of joy and God’s good gifts. But somehow, in the midst of all the joy or even just alongside it or after it, might come some real times of hardship, struggle, pain and difficulty.

Jesus said we are to expect this. He told us that in this world we WILL have troubles but that we can take heart, be encouraged , be strong in him because HE Has OVERCOME the world.

I have written on trials and struggles before. I have , in God’s grace , experienced both great joys and deep troubled waters. I know what hardship tastes like… what it looks like… what it feels like. How slow the feet of those who struggle. How , like magnets, their shoes hold them down.  When I write these things, it is not just theory for me. I have tasted and seen that the Lord IS Good. He is real and holds us up in times of struggle and trial. In fact I want to argue that he does his best work in us and though us at these times.

I know that is not what we want to hear, but if we belong to Jesus, in other words, we are saved by his death on the cross, well then struggles and hardships take on a new slant.

I love Beth Moore Bible studies. One of the things she talks about with struggles is naming them rightly. In our busy, self-focused, western lives, we sometimes think that being inconvenienced are struggles. She reminds us that being made late by a slow driver or not finding a parking or having the wrong couch delivered are actually not trials. Yes we need to have the right godly attitude when these things come along . If we think these are trials we are in for a shock when the real pain and struggles come along.

At this point in time I know several people who are walking through some very deep life stuff. Cancer and chemo ; the pain of watching a child flounder and struggle to learn; unfaithful spouses; broken relationships; fear and loss; financial issues and mental brokenness as well as emotional damage. The list goes on.

Life is tough!! Lives are broken!
Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him , who have been called according to HIS purpose.

These words always comfort me. The reason being….. God is at work in ALL things. The God who spoke the universe into being and holds all things together, this same God is at work in all things – both good and bad things…. And what is more than this, he is at work for my GOOD. 

Struggles have a purpose. God is at work in them for my good. He is refining me, changing me and growing me into the person he has called me to be. So that my life will bring GLORY to him. I do not endure hardship for my sake. But rather Jesus is working in me and through me… he is helping me and growing me in the midst of hardship and struggle so that HE is shown to be who he is.

Because God is totally sovereign over creation and rules the world with justice and righteousness I know that all things that happen in my life are completely in his control. They might seem out of control to me but they are in his control.

I also know that nothing can separate us from God’s love that he expressed in Jesus Christ our Lord. We are totally loved always and forever and totally safe if we are in Christ.

The thing about struggles and trials is that we can be taken totally unawares by them. I am not one of those people; those Christians who can say, as many can, that when the first huge, huge struggle came along -- I was ready. I was not ready. It was a time of enormous emotional and mental and spiritual turmoil. I did not feel sure footed and I did not feel safe. But God held me and grew me. As I excercised the muscle of faith and trust so the muscle of faith and trust in Jesus grew stronger. I wonder if walking through trials is a bit like this for everyone. The more we practice trust and steadfast faith in Jesus the more we grow to trust him. All I know is I have throught a great deal about suffereing and pain as a Chrisitan since then. I have worked hard at trying to sort out the purpose of it all in my thinking and praying around these things with the Lord SO THAT next time I am taken by surprise I will be more prepared. 

Jesus said... in this world you will have trials and struggles of many kind. It will come. 
What will you allow HIM to do with it? 

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