Monday, November 18, 2013

It is so difficult to explain.

Today I had a conversation with our eldest son that brought back memories. He was asking me about the play and musical 'Sarafina'. We have not only seen it and loved it back in the day but have the music from it. We began to talk about what school was like in the days of Apartheid. growing up as a white , English speaking girl in Apartheid , divided South Africa meant that our school was full of ONLY white people. 

As we chatted and I shared something of the story of Sarafina, I realised how darn difficult it is to explain, really explain what it was really like growing up in Apartheid South Africa. The sad desperation of our youth and the harrowing , angry days that spread out into our early 20's. South Africa, through the eyes of a 13 year old, today, is somewhat different. Yes, not perfect and perhaps still full of poverty and hopelessness for many, in some ways but I think we forget how truly horrid those days were. 
They were sad and deeply desperate days.  Days full of chaos, death and killing. I for one am so, so very grateful that our children do not have to grow up in those dark times.

I talked a little of the books that changed my life. Cry the Beloved Country that God used to open my eyes and full the fire of my youth. I am grateful for teachers who stepped out and were counted. The one or two who dared to tell the truth about the country we were living in. 

The truth remains. it is difficult to explain what it was like. I am left with, I think you must ask Karen what it was like going to school in Apartheid. May we somehow be able to explain our sad and broken past to this and future generations. 

Thanks to museums that help keep our rich and also sad heritage alive.
May we never return there. 
God bless South Africa!!

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