Sunday, November 3, 2013

The First of the last!

On Friday evening we celebrated our Sweet Valley School Grade 7 farewell. It began with a group of some of James' friends and our friends who came around to our home for a pre-dinner chat and drink.

It was a smart occasion for these young men!!

 A walk down memory lane!! this is a group of grade 3 children when the present grade 7's were in grade 3!!

 Look  at this darling picture. !!!
 Grade 5 oral. Making biltong. Feels like it was yesterday!!
 A life time friend and may God continue to grow these two darling lads into men after his own heart!!!

I love that each has a hint of their personality in the choice of clothing.

The theme was ... The Carnival!!

What a spledid spread from the decore to the food. 

It was all a delight.

The grade 7 children introduced each other in groups. Each child was introduced and non was left out. I love this part very much. 

There was a section where the kids could perform song items, musical items, dance and there was even a flame twister. 

It was all very special indeed.

As I reflect personally on this phase of our son, James' journey through childhood, I find myself faced with a real mixture of thoughts and emotions.
On the one front, he is more than ready to leave primary school and head on to things more teen suitable on the physical, emotional and intelectual front. And so we celebrate with him this passing of time. This right of passage so to speak.
It is a time of year full of hope and promise and exctitment. 

And yet, at the very same time, there is a whole lot of sadness and I guess healthy loss.
We have spent the past 7 years at a great school where very rich experiences have been built inot our son. He has had the privaledge of enjoying excellent and extrodinary teachers who have helped to shape and grow James in the young man we have befor us. There have been opportunities to travel, explore gifts and talents, build lovely friendships and  enjoy responsibililty on many levels. 

And so we celebrate grade 7 with joy , hope and sadness.

May God continue to bless and grow this young man into the future as he journeys on to another school.
We are mindful of the speed at which these years at school fly by and so I renew my decision to enjoy them with our 3 sons who remain!!


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