Saturday, December 20, 2014

Loss, Grace and Forgiveness

I love Tim Keller's bible teaching. He marries the truth of the bible and the practical outworking of it with care and marvelous help for the christian.

I have been listening to his talk on community.
Here are some great themes from the book of James.

Here is the rub. We are called to live our lives as though it is given for others. There is a choose here...

My life lived for me or my life lived for you. 100 x a day we are faced with this simple choice.  We are given countless opportunities to dies to ourselves and in so doing love others. It can be with our time; with our privilege , with absolutely anything that God gives us in our day. The choice is there. 

I can lay down my life again and again and again or I can live my life for myself.
Both of these reap a reward.

Keller explains that death to self builds community. It  does so because someone is blessed and is thankful. In saying those words... Thank You... we are expressing our gratitude and indebtedness to one another. Community is built on the bonds of thank you, 
Beautiful stuff.
 Challenging stuff.

There is obligation in community.

The big boulder we all have to navigate is the reality we all share and have looping within us.


That nasty word that makes my skin crawl. Place it in the centre of the room and take a stroll around it and here is what we find. At some level we all are proud and it is our pride that breaks community.

Keller has a simple check list for pride that I found helpful.

Proud People
* Being dogmatic about every point of belief 
* Loves to confront people to much or to little
* Proud people  are arrogant and self assured

Humble people
* Humble people confront when it is necessary
* Humble people are happy with life as it is
* Humble people are slow to speak of other peoples faults and if they do , do so with respect and always to heal
* Stick with people through tough times no matter what
* Do not like confronting people
*Do not complain about life 

Wow! these are challenging indeed. 

God have Mercy on me. Help me to lay down my life for those who you bring into my life. 
Humility is having a confidence that God is looking after me and having a deep steadfastness about this truth. Being humble means we know our worth to God and so we are able to have courage, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness and other centredness.

We are able to have a growing humility that God offers us in Jesus Christ!

We can grow in humility. How exciting.
If we understand these two things.....

1. Do I know how very much God loves me. His love is enormous. Do I know this deeply, really with utter certainty so that I can lay down my life in freedom for others.

2. Grasping the upside down principle that is at the very heart of the universe. 
This is the backward way that God has set things up. 

Truth that expresses
 -The first will be last the last first....
-Humble yourself and you will be lifted up..
-Lay down your life for others and God you will give it back.
-True power is giving it away and serving others.

Jesus supremely gave up everything for me. He layed his life down and then he was exalted.

Hanging onto life  will only mean that in the end we loose it forever and along the way that loss begins.

God gives us grace as we go about the business of living for others. This is so profoundly comforting in the midst of the reality of life BECAUSE I find people really difficult sometimes. Nice people are unkind, thoughtless, take advantage and use one another. Nice people do unkind things and say really nasty stuff to one another and seem to go on as if all is well. Gods grace in the midst of self centred and selfish behaviour is what I know I need to love others who are often quite unlovely.

The thing I choose to remember here is that nothing slips past Gods sight. He sees and knows everything. When are disregarded , God regards us. When we are rejected and left for loss; God never rejects us and leaves us for loss. We are accepted as we are by the living God and so we are given grace to love others who are unlovely.

Forgiveness is the heart of the christian message. God offers every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, the offer of his forgiveness. He holds it out to each of us though we are really not deserving of his forgiveness. We have snubbed and rejected him. We do not want him to love us; care for us or rule us in love. And yet he came....

The offer still stands.

This forgiveness that I have been given is rich and real and it is this forgiveness I can hold out to others. It seems to me that much of life is made up of loss, grace and forgiveness. Not necessarily in this order. People are cruel and life is hard. We can either wither and wilt or we can have courage to live and love with God help.

Offering forgiveness to folks who do not deserve it is freeing and serving.

It is life!

It is all in the Brick!!

We were invited by our family to share in the Lego Art Exhibition at the V&A Waterfront. I must admit that I had decided we  would not go to this exhibition, simply because the previous exhibition that the same group brought out to SA, was really not worth the high cost. But, off we went. I had absolutely no expectations and I had not even told the kids we were going.

James was away on Church Crossword camp and so it was just the 5 of us. 

It was a very pleasantly surprising exhibition. Firstly, it is called an art exhibition and so the works by the one artist are displayed much like an art gallery. Each has a little interesting blurb about the item made. 

The exhibition is a good length and id divided into sections. The last section reflects the feelings and thoughts of the artist, Nathan Sawaya, and so for me was my favourite part. This top photo was taken from that part and it is about loss. The artist built it after hearing a story from a mother who had lost a child. I have been thinking a great deal about loss . perhaps it is that time of year when one reflects on the year past. I silently called this piece.. For Harry ( an d all who mourn!)

The exhibition had two dvd sections to it and both of these where short and shallow enough for young children to grasp something of 'art' and being creative. I loved the overall message which was that building and being creative with Lego or anything goes on and on and on into life. 
I also found Nathans pursuit of his dream really compelling. 
The sayings that were written around the exhibition were rather cheesey and some we disagreed with BUT then they did get us talking!!

The boys enjoyed it and had their best exhibits. The dinosaur was a firm fav and the one above was Thomas best too. It had feeling and expressed emotion. 

I liked the section where the artist had made replicas , out of Lego, of a variety of famous artists paintings and sculptures. Working in the art word, I know that this was no small thing. It was fun and got us talking. 

Well done Nathan Sawaya.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

War Horse - The stage Performance  based on the book by Michael Morpurgo, has come to Cape Town , South Africa, as most things eventually do. 

We are not a family will excess money and so when we choose one of these fantastic opportunities we do so with care. 

Again, as with the da Vinci exhibition, we were not disappointed.

Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed the matinee performance of War Horse at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town.

One of the reasons we were all keen to see War Horse on stage was because of the wonderful puppets. We had watched the TED talk about the making of these incredible creature puppets and of course the makers are two South Africans , and so we were supper excited and proud!

Check out the Ted Talk!

We all went and so it was that we had the very back seats way up in the gods. But it did not matter at all. In fact, it meant that, having no-one sitting behind us, we were able to shift and move to see, when and where necessary. 

I need not have been even a little concerned that even our youngest , ADHD child might be bored.  We all sat riveted. It was a most stunning performance by all the cast and of course the puppeteers and the " horses" were just wonderful. Their performance is realistic and one soon totally forgetts that they are puppets. I grew up with horses and there is everything horse and real about them. They are gloriously wonderful.

We loved every minute of this sad and broken story and it deserved the spontaneous standing ovation without a doubt.

Thanks be to God for cultural fun as our friend Jeremy prayed latter that evening. Yes thanks be to God!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

This year that was !

 Nothing in all of creation will ever separate us from Gods love. Romans 8:28

About 2 years ago, Doug made some of these wooden trees for me. We gave some as gifts to people and kept one for ourselves. It lives at the front door. Each year I repaint it and change the wording written on it. I always paint a declaration; a truth from Gods word. It stands at the front door for everyone to read as they enter our home. We sure do have many who enter. May these words be a blessing and a thought provoking truth for those who come past. May God grow this truth and may it bear fruit.

As I painted the wooden tree, I prayed and thought; and thought and prayed. I had been looking through some photographs from about 2 years ago. Some dear sweet chubby cheeked photographs of the boys and friends from that time. I am always amazed at the memories photographs bring with them. Deep and perhaps forgotten things that happened. They represent a time in ones life and transport one back there in a flash. 

I was reminded of good teachers and fun times from the relaxed days at preschool and how far each son has travelled though the years with James having just completed his first year at high school and Jethro going to grade 3. 

I thought of the love regained and the good found and Gods real, rich grace toward us as a family.
 I thanked him!

I thought of the old relationships , perhaps a little stale and strained and how God has applied his healing and refreshed and answered prayers.

I mourned for those losses we experience in life and cried out to him for broken people who are unable to love well and are uncaring or unkind because of it.

And so I reflected on the love and the loss from the year gone by and once again rejoiced that God is at work and his purposes are being perfected in all things and all situations.
This was a painting prayer time that then extended ....

Painting and I are good, familiar friends. And so, I began to spot some other old friends that needed a face lift of sorts. This old stone statue for example:)
I love this old ugly thing because it is a symbol of family. It is a symbol for our family. That precious circle God grows as we love and learn together through all the good times and the bad times.
We have one another.

I have had to learn this for our family because I never had that in my childhood. it is a precious reality for us as a family of 6 and God has sewn it together and held it there. 

And so I painted and prayed - thank you Lord for the work you have done in my and in this marriage and so for our children!!

Big stuff and our very, very BIG and wonderful God.

This little flower was a gift from a new friend. I met her while running Wriggle and Rhyme years back and we have remained friends. It was a good reminder of the new things God brings into our lives. People especially but also new experiences.

This year High School was new for us all. We walked this journey with James leading it ( because he had to do it),and it has been good and a blessing in many ways.

Teenage stuff has all been new too. the most exciting of all has been to watch as God takes him on his own personal fledgling journey. He is off to Crossword Camp on Monday for the week , on his own with no good guy friend with him. He is good at doing things on his own and we are trusting and praying that James will meet with Jesus this week and that he will for ever be assured of the truth of HIM.

Lastly, I painted this strange stick friend again. About 2 years ago I made this weird stick creation and it has been our garden friend ever since. It was looking a bit sad and faded and so I granted it a face lift and .......

Lastly, I have put this fun and funny photo in as a reminder that this year was full of laughter. When you have a teenager or two there is always a lot of fun and laughter in the middle of all the other stuff and it was a good reminder of how much and how deep we laughed. It was good!!

Thank you Lord for a good year of fun and laughter. Thank you for being real and faithful to us as a family and for all our answered prayers. Thank you for carrying us in the good and sad times we had. You are faithful and your love endures forever.

Thank you for Jesus!!

Thank you for this great family and for each and every dear person who you brought into our lives this year. May we be to them all you have purposed us to be.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Opperation Christmas Box

 Operation Christmas Box 2014. A highlight of the year. Hard work and fun are had by all. A big thank you!!!

For 12 years now I have been involved in our Church Operation Christmas Box. It is a great privilege and a whole lot of fun and blessing. This year has been no different!!

Our church family are asked to contribute a box of blessing for a child. We share these boxes with our church family in Khayelitscha and Strand.  The sloppes of the sand dunes are built cheek to cheek with shacks of different sizes and variety. The common bond is poverty and struggle. It is these communities inot which we send these boxes. Small, very insignificant but a little bit of love. 

The pastoral staff at these churches invite the children and parents to a Christmas party. The love of Jesus is shared in this practical way.

Thank you to ALL who put these lovley boxes together!!

This year we invited the grade 6 children to come and be a  part of our little project. The children who joined us were enthusiastic and hard working. Their moms were even more:) Thank you ALL very, very much. I know that tonight we are weary.

We collect about 320 boxes in total this year and we are thrilled to have completed the whole sorting of them all in one go.

Father, bless the work of these hands and bless the children who receive a box. Please send your word into each little life and grow your seed into a flourishing tree. Oh Lord have mercy on our poor and broken communities. Thank you for your work in these parts and we pray that each child who receives one of our little boxes of love, will be loved indeed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Keeping the Gospel The Main "thing AND being relevant to our kids

It is startling to notice how far the world has shifted technologically. WE are on the cusp of another wave of the digital revolution. It is exciting and scary simultaneously. The group at the very forefront of the wave; experiencing it as fully as possible, are our children. We have a nearly 15 year old , a 13 year old, 10 year old and 8 year old, and just in their very short life time, technology has shifted. A simple example is cellphones are now mini computers - smartphones. The choices are not just Facebook but are a multitude of different social Media.

There is a wealth of fun and excitement at a click of a button. 

Schools are or have been doing the shift along the way to make space for the fast and seemingly unending availability of subject matter. TED Talks are one example of extending and encouraging children to think about new ideas.

Youtube offers a stream of support material that encourage and engage with subject matter. I often use both these in my art lessons. Online games such as coolmaths and many, many more help children who might dislike numbers , have a different perspective.

The way children gather information has shifted.
The modern child is in a different environment from the one we grew up and it is constantly changing .

In the midst of this change- The gospel of Jesus Christ stands firm and stable. The truth about who Jesus is and what he has done for us is relevant and real .This truth stands and is certain. Sure and steadfast it holds out its hand and with it God saves the lost.

Churchs have shifted too.
Media has become part of church including bible apps on smart phones etc.

Churches face huge questions around keeping church relevant and up to date BUT never compromising on Gods Word.

One of the basic arms of the gospel that has not changed and still has a massive impact is

There is nothing worse than impersonal, boring , crowd control Sunday school classes. Thankfully many churches in our local neighbourhood have really stepped up to the modern plate and there are such fun things happening with kids of all ages. Firstly this draws kids who do not go to church regularly and secondly it keeps kids who do.

Gone are the old worksheet blues and in the place are relevant gospel centred fun. Children do not school at church. They have enough real , long , hard slogg. Boys especially do not want to colour in ( in fact who actually does). The wonder of fun and building things and discovering Gods word and finding him to be real is robbed when we make childrens work boring. Our eldest son is part of a great youth where the leaders are engaging and the issues of life real. The youth find each other and are building some good relathionships.  He loves youth and would not miss it. Sadly, there are not many other grade 8 boys who regularly attend. :( Opportunities to invite !!
 Our second son is part of a Friday night , local church evening. It is the absolute highlight of his week. The young people play cricket and football and a whole host of fun, crazy games. In the midst of this children are loved, engaged with and the gospel becomes real. The leaders come out to the car park and  greet the parents and introduce themselves. They know the kids by name and engage with them on a very meaningful level.

The bible teaching slot is short and punchy and never repeated. Interesting questions are encouraged and the young kids engage with the answers. Children want a safe place to ask the questions they have about God and the universe. They have marvelous questions!!
We are so thankful for this Friday night fun.

I am blessed to be part of a school community with lots of Christians from many different churches in Cape Town. I love this. My bible studies are also made up of women who worship at different churches. We share life together. I love seeing what the different churches get up . Keeping kids engaged is very tricky in the modern, fast, technological world. God is at work. People are being very creative. It is hard work!

I think the key feature that stands out with all is being relational with the children and parents on a very real level. Getting to know the child and having fun with them . Hikes and squash - sharing real life with them. Showing love and sharing life with them helps them to know that Jesus loves them.

Church is a place where people love and care deeply and so it should be with children's church too.