Thursday, December 17, 2015

on the complexity of relathionships ....


Relationships hold the potential to be both exceptionally beautiful and building and vicious and destroying. Sometimes they simply hover in the in-between. that space which is neither building or breaking but just irritating.
Relationships are complex and complicated.
They are grown and expressed through the web of life, love, disappointments and circumstances , not forgetting the "stuff" that childhood brings with it nor the realities of difficulties brought through ADHD; depression; bi-polar and other personal struggles.

and so I say this...

Relationships are complex.

Healthy relationships take a great deal of commitment, honesty and jolly hard work.

I have experienced both the joy and beauty of good, healthy relationships and the deep sadness of those that just do not make it.

Like many people reading this post, I have witnessed relationships dear and near to me simply break down and break up and people walk away from each other with deep wounds and scars.

I carry each of you in my heart and prayers, regularly!

As a Christian, there are some key truths that hold with any and every relationship. These I have found , not just as words found in an old , dusty , irrelevant book. But just as I found the truths written in that old , perhaps long forgotten book - the bible- living and breathing and alive. True!

Grasping the first is in essence the key that unlocks all the others. In any relationship, there are two sinful people. Sin is such a deceiver. It whispers the lie that it is the other to blame and or that I deserve better. Sin is no friend of good , healthy , growing relationships. It is bossy, power seeking, self- seeking and deeply, deeply selfish. It is the " always having to be right"  and" I have to have my needs met" stuff. Sin holds onto hurts and refuses forgiveness. In recognising myself as a sinner I recognise that I hold a very important part of any good and bad relationship.

The second truth of all relationships flows from the first. If I recognise my sin ( and as a Christian I have found forgiveness in Jesus ) well, then it is regular and real that I will hold out the hand of forgiveness to others, especially those near and dear. 

Forgiveness is a key to good, healthy growing relationships. It is the very thing that affords any troubled relationship that opportunity to change. It is the space created for something else. It is not cheap and it came at a cost but if I truly understand my forgiveness before a holy God then I can and must offer forgiveness towards others.
Tim Keller describes forgiveness in a helpful way. It is recognising a debt is owed and absorbing the debt into yourself. That is exactly what Jesus did for me and for you on the cross.

The path and choice of forgiveness is a journey. One I have had to walk and no doubt will have to walk in the future. It is painful and can be lengthy. How do you know if you have forgiven someone.

Well, do you pick up the "thing" and hold it against them or have you laid it down?

The third truth in relationships is also linked to the first. Good relationships will not flourish if I am self- serving and self- seeking. If I choose to serve others in love then there is a space created for kindness and joy to flourish.

I have a very good friend who is an excellent example of this truth. Her husband has been really unwell for about 2 years now. One of the things that has helped him, is a radical and drastic change in all things diet. This has fallen very heavily onto her shoulders. I have only 2x seen her get really frustrated about her husbands situation( not hers mind you) and I have watched her and continue to watch her serve him, cook his weird food, love him with kindness that is self denying and through this she shines out Jesus love to him and to others. thank you my friend for this example!!

These 3 truths are by no means the ONLY things that help in relationships but for now these are them.

recognising your position - a sinner
offering and living in constant forgiveness
serving others

Finally I would like to write a word about God and his work in our relationships.
Romans 8:28 tells us that God is at work in ALL situations - for his glory and our good - if we belong to him.

In the messiness of relationships , and boy they can get messy:(,  God is at work. I have held on to this truth and experienced it in my life. God has worked a miracle in my  life and he can in yours BUT you have to work with him and trust him and obey!

Chatting to people who are in the thick of things, I often will remind them of this truth , and there is a real wall of non-belief. I guess this is because the pain and hardship weighs to heavy. I get this. I truly do! I have sat in that chair. What I did was, I chose to trust God DESPITE what the circumstances looked like.  But having come out the other side and seen God at work , I can testify that he will help you and he can save that relationship, if you just let him.

It is worth it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What a Farewell!

This is our Tom!!

It is a night to celebrate and thank God for. We are grateful for our second sons achievements at his primary school. Sweet Valley has been a great school for him. Tonight we celebrate and thank God for his gift of intellect that our Tom has. 

 He is a brother  to 3 boys  who love him very, very much!!

He has a darling teacher in Althea Muller and she has really brought the best out in him!! And many more, Ian, Paul and Cindy.... thank you!

Tonight, Tom earned the best overall academic award of the grade 7 year. He came top of his grade. Not only was I proud, but I really loved the support of friends who trully love our Tom and came to congratulate him. Despite his ADHD he has overcome, thanks be to God!! Tom we salute your hard work and dedication. You trully earned your reward!