Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Congratulations is appropriate

This has been a year for congratulations. We have come to the end of this year 2010 ans it has, in many ways, been a year well done. South Africa has seen the World Cup Football come and go and it was a joyful time for our whole country. A great time of fun and noise and laughter and of course, football.

Here in our own home we have great cause for congratulations. I have to say at this point, because I am a Christian , it is not really right to boast and this is true. But you see, we have no family live near - by ; no granny who asks - how did they fair. How was the exam? How did they do? I have good friends who love these boys. For that I am so grateful.

Grade 2 is done and dusted for Thomas. He is our very, very clever ( can I say gifted), ADD boy. He has done very well at school this year and has pressed on despite his struggles and triumphs. He received the BEN KETTLE AWARD for enrichment. Now there is a thing. We were thrilled. Thomas loves enrichment. He lives for it and eats for it. He is obviously stimulated by it and we are grateful.

Grade 4 is over for James. He has been consistent in working hard and doing well. He is diligent and clever and uses that which he has been given. We are very proud of him . He has really done well in his exams and despite the stress they caused his marks reflect the effort he put in.

Both Thomas and James have had exceptional teachers ( who shall remain nameless) . I am so grateful to God for them both. Loving and caring and good at their jobs. Actually , outstanding at their jobs. I salute you two women. Thank you for giving your lives for these kids. You are very special and treasured in our hearts.

So, I guess that is the boast over. I am sorry if I offend you by this post. Please forgive the I I I in it all. My ongoing prayer is that our great God will use these two very different and very talented children for His glory and His alone.


1 comment:

  1. I join you in thanking Jesus for the gifts that He has given to those boys. It is a joy to know them and to celebrate with you!
    Lots and lost of love, Renette
