Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Samuel turns 8


This coming Thursday our dear, sweet Sam turns 8. I am mindful of some pointers when I write these kind of posts about my kids. There will always be those who will aproach these kinds of posts with critisism but tough, I am going to sing praises about this boy... well because he has been given to us and he is ours for a time. As I write this, I am so aware of our eldest son James, who is turning 12 next week, and how fleeting and quick this time with them is.

Samuel is a delightful child. He is full.Full of fun and life and laughs and tears too. He is a person who seizes the day with both hands and has a great time doing the things he really loves. He has huge passion for some things. Passion should be his middle name for as much as he loves her fears too. He is a little boy who faces his struggles head on and wears his heart on his sleeve. Once again the development and unfolding od the flower we call personaility is so interesting. Sam is more now himself than he was a year ago. More defined in all the areas of his personhood. It is almost as if the artist hand of God is carefully and deliberatly drawing him as the years unfold.

Sam is silly. He has been given a beautiful voice and a "photostat" memory . :)
He loves God and wants to please Jesus. He is learning what it really means to trust Jesus in his day as he struggles with fear and new things. Sam loves his family and his brothers mean a great deal to him. he loves, loves, loves spending good time with his big brothers and also manages to play loads of Lego with Jethro. This week as we celebrate another year of God's grace and goodness in Samuel's little life, we reflect back and trust as we travel forwards, knowing that Jesus is at work. Thank you Lord for this little boy. Thank you that he is so full of life and so thoroghlly enjoys the life you have given him. Please use him for your glory.
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1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sam! PS William is 363 days younger than you... enjoy YOUR day.
