Friday, October 26, 2012

I am alive cause you're alive

Reflecting and threading back so that I can move forward in freedom

Childhood  is a beautiful time in many, many ways. It is a time of growing and learning and testing and finding. 
But, for many childhood is a time when some happening or something was done that has rendered that persons childhood broken.

The efects into adulthood, for some people can be devastating and quite cruel. it is as if someone knitted a pathway of pain, hurt and struggle into the very working of the brain and so certain actions, emotions and outworking of behaviour and feelings are set. It is a bit like knitting a beutiful jersey and upon completion, only to find that there are a string of dropped stitches all through the it. Such is the effect of chilhood apun adulthood. 

Adults live this life with part of their childhood present with them.The part of who they are grown out of childhood can be beautiful and firmly rooted. It can also be a very tough and difficult journey for others who might come from painful, broken and dis functional families.

I have been deeply struck this week by the reality that no matter what ruin our childhood has built into us, Jesus Christ can set us free.

If we come to know and trust the one who has made us and called us. The one who knows every detail of our childhood story, intimately, even better than we can recall. The one who holds all things together and is totally and completely in control over all things - Jesus - he is the very person who can take our broken childhoods and reshape them ; reclaim them and redirect them  for his glory. If we know Jesus and trust him , well then we are free indeed. He has set us free . 

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