Saturday, February 1, 2014

The joy and the loss

This year our first born son began his high school life. it has been a great time of brand new experiences for us all but especially for him. His school is one of the best schools in South Africa, of which there are many and we feel the privilege deeply and profoundly. His has so many good and fun learning experiences ahead of him and indeed they have already begun.

Week one held within it, the music camp which was truly a special experience. We the parents enjoyed the fruit of their labour on the Sunday, as they 3 bands performed for us.

James , has been really settling in well and this particular school really has been a gentle and sure transition so far.

People keep asking me how it is going and I can honestly say that it is going very, very well. But, the truth for ME, as a mother is that high school has held within its bosom , so to speak, the reality of the next step towards adulthood for our son. I guess, because he is the first, I feel it more profoundly. The what of my feeling is quite frankly, loss. I am grieving in a way, the loss of the time that primary school affords one with a child, He leaves very early for sport and the like and is often home after 5. High school is awake long past sun down and so we press on , into the night.

This is all normal and good but for me feels happy / sad. I miss him. I miss seeing him at school when I fetch the little ones. I miss his casual hi. I miss knowing he is there. I am left thinking and determined to enjoy the time left at primary school with the other boys. It is special and fleeting. All good but still difficult.

So while I rejoice and am so thrilled to share this teenagers walk, I am mindful of the release that is required for a healthy journey for us both.:)

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