Monday, August 18, 2014

what would life look like if.....?

This morning while contemplating life in the quiet of the roaring shower, I wondered to myself, " what would my life really look like if Jesus was totally and radically at the centre?"

A profound question I know but it has lingered with me all day.

What would our lives really look like if we put you first Lord?

How would our selfish decisions change?

What would our prioritites be for our day.... for the week..... for our year?

What would our longings be for ourselves and for our children?

How would be love and long to be loved?

The list of questions goes on and on.

What difference does knowing Jesus and being known and loved by him really make in my life?

or, do I just look like and behave like a good version of those around who are lost.

I long to know Jesus more and more than that I long for his purpose and his direction for my life to breath life into my so often selfish and heartless existence.

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