Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Tok of Tok Tokkie


This weekend our hockey team had a farewell get together. It was a bring and braai at a parent's home in our local area. The weather was perfect. After a Saturday downpour, Sunday turned out to be calm and warm. The perfect day for a group gathering. A bunch of boys pied into the home and , as boys do, busied themselves doing this and that. 
At some point they all disappeared up the road to play some football.
Upon the second return , I noticed , from the comments and the general feel that perhaps these boys had been playing Tok Tokkie.You know, the game where someone rings a doorbell and then everyone runs like crazy to escape . 
We played these sorts of games when we were children. 

Great fun and dare.

And so, as the evening progressed I gleaned from a son who wanted to share but not snitch that our beloved was indeed a door bell ringer. 
When I flatly asked him, he answered with great gusto, " Yes mom, I was playing tok Tokkie"
The details unveiled as the days unfolded.

Honestly, I really respond to this kind of " naughty" behaviour with a gentle rebuke. This dare to be brave kind of behaviour is somewhat part of childhood in a strange way and perhaps enriching of the childhood too. These middle class kids, seldom get up to any mischief. In the current SA climate, they don't walk the neighbourhood or share in community fun. So perhaps a little community Tok Tokkie is not that bad after all. 

Our impulsive, ADHD son, thought nothing of the consequences but in the moment of fun, had some fun.

Lets just not make it a habit:)

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