Sunday, April 11, 2010

Doug Part 3

This week has been quite interesting in the South African Political arena. What with ET being murdered and all the intrigue surrounding that story and Julius mouthing off at a British Journalist , well I feel a little ashamed of being South African.This of course brings me to Part 3 of my husband as a person.

Doug the Political beast. I have to say that his left views and sometimes ( I feel) blind following of the left, comes shining out when we have a week like we have just had. Doug will fly into James Bond kind of "search and find mode" and he will as an example, trawl the net for information and ideas on why Race is a myth. He will read and think and talk and talk and talk some more about the why and were to from here and lets not forget his hopes and dreams for the future. I just love this about him . His love for the underdog and the helpless is one of the things that attracted me. It is a virtue to be a person who thinks about life and the meaning of it. It is also a virtue in our home for at least one of us to have more than hope for this staggeringly beautiful but tragically strange and sad Land of ours - South Africa.

Thanks Doug for helping me to see the good that has and is being done.

PS pity about finding the web site where the extreme right of South Africa blah blah on about why they hate other people based on outward appearances. I truly and stupidly thought these people might have withered, died and been blown away by a very strong South Easter. mmm How wrong I was. Having said this though They are lost and sad. So very, very lost and very, very sad.

May God have mercy on them!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome, Caren! Very thoughtful. I love it.
