Friday, April 20, 2012

The Garden of kindness

Today I drove past the local school. Outside on the fence I saw lots and lots of beautifully drawn and colorfully painted flowers, fastened in a hap hazard way to the fence.  Next to these read the sign " the Garden of Kindness". as it flapped in the wind children walked to and fro for it was the end of the day.

That sign had a profound and meaningful effect on me. I literally felt it's words as if loving arms engulfed me in them.This lovely experience also lifted this local school in my sight. Where once before stood a school now I saw a school that cared about feelings. A beautiful thing that. I also realised with sadness that our school could grow in this area. I pray and hope and want to be a part of growing our very own garden of kindness.  What a beautiful thought!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caren, it is a constant ache with me, that schools are mechanised to release a product from their idea of a mould. Emotional growth, creativity & strengthening each individual, seem to be dreams which dwindle proportionately to class numbers? Onward families like yours, who never yield the field of whole education to institutions! Blessings today. C
