Friday, June 22, 2012

Let the games begin

Our winter, mid -year break is finally here. We decided to celebrate with some calamari and chips for dinner and a movie from the DVD shop. We ate our fish and chatted about the day that was and the time to come. Holidays together are a time to celebrate and enjoy each others company ; they are a time to some things new. 
Our family all live up country in Johannesburg and we see them seldom. We are not really in the position to go on expensive holidays at the moment and so these home holiday times really need to be special. They need to count.

And so our holidays began with a celebration of a good friends birthday. Piles of kids dashing about and some great wholesome, home-made soup and we were set for the rest of today. As I have mentioned in a previous post on this holiday, we have a theme for ourselves. Some might find this odd but I have some very good reasons for deciding to be purposeful about this time together not least of all that I really want this time to count for something in our boys lives. We began today by making a cardboard baobab type tree. I think it is great. We have written our prayers for these holidays onto heart shaped card and these are now hanging from the funny old tree. The great thing was hearing the kinds of things the boys each longed for. Things like no fighting and being kind and praying more. I was so encouraged by their desires to grow in knowledge and love of God and others. What a joy. I often think the things I talk  to them about; those Jesus things, well they seem to vanish in somewhere and then what? At times like these I am greatly encouraged that God is at work in shaping these boys and in tweeking their hearts and minds despite my efforts.

I am so blessed to be able to take a break from wriggle and the other things I do and spend this time with our boys. May God add his blessing to our time together.

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