Friday, October 18, 2013

The offer of 'healing' ADHD in Parents name!!

Today I write a post that has both angered and saddened me- deeply!!

I am all for reading interesting ideas and help on ADHD and will look at lots of stuff around this topic. Today I was sent a name of an American woman who offers the most amazing thing for our ADHD children. 
 This is an offer not to be missed or taken lightly!

I am all for seeing the 'blessing' in the ADHD brain. This little picture above is an example of what I mean. Today's visit to this site was, for me, a really painful experience. It was one that actually shocked me and has opend the door to all the 'amazing' offers to us, as parents of ADHD children.

Do not get me wrong. I am a Christian and I know the power of God to be real and active. ONLY he can heal and has the right and authority over illness, disability, struggles and even death. 
I know in whom I trust to have to power to do the healing. 
God does his work as he wills. He heals who he chooses. 
We ask and he acts - in his forever and always love towards his people.

I get very upset when anyone offers healing ---- certain and sure.

So, this woman's offer is quite amazing. She offers me, a mother of ADHD children, the ability  and power to take charge of my child's brain. She offers me the power to heal his ADHD brain. 
This is the most mind blowing offer ever, excuse the pun.

' It is time for parents to take charge and claim the power to heal their children', are the exact words on her home page.

At this point I really , really become very angry.

This is a false offer of hope for parents who are desperate. It is not only a false offer of hope but a cruel one too.

Please hear me. She might very well have a programme that helps with children and their behaviour. But her offer is for healing. 
 Worse still, is the burden it places on any parent who reads her offer and then refuses it. 
I guess this is what the expert in ADHD and brain development and understanding call the junk information on this topic. To be avoided at all costs. 
I would love my child to struggle less in this life. We work extremely hard at trying all sorts of things to help our children at their point of need. But never... not ever, could I or would I hold the claim that I could heal my child. 
That is the work of God and God alone. I , thankfully am not him!! 
So, beware of the offers available. Take them at your own peril! 

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