Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The real super hero is at work


Our family loves to watch super hero movies. From Iron Man to The Incredibles we thoroughly enjoy them. There is something fantastical and magical about a super human coming and fixing all the stuff that is wrong and getting the bad guy while he or she is about it. 

Today I had one of those glorious teachable moments when we were talking or rather the kids were moaning about kids who irritate them and are horrible. I always create a space for them to have a moan and groan at home and encourage this as a safe space but more than this I try to get them to take their moan to the Lord. 
Today we talked about how God actually wants us to love that irritating kid. It is his calling on our lives as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, not to be self lovers but to be lovers of others. This is tough for kids to grasp I know, but  somehow today I really wanted them to "get it". This is where the super hero came in.....

Who do we want to change in the irritating kids situation? - mom
the other kid - kid response
well, yes, we can pray for that BUT actually God really wants you to change- mom
down cast look - kid

What if, just like a superhero can fix things and save the day, God wants to do that to you , on the inside. Like the Hulk but on the inside? - mom

aaah bingo- the light goes on.....

conversation to be continued....." :)

It is a great thought though and if the truth be told. it is the truth. God is at work in us through his spirit and his word changing us so that we can like and even love others who are irritating. 

Gods help in us enables us to live lives that are sacrificial for him so that he can use us in the world for his purpose and glory. 
The real super hero does the wondrous work on the inside of us and changes us, not necessarily the other person.

Jesus is in the super hero business. 
He not only saves us from our sin but he changes us to makes us more and more like him.

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